International Servicing & Consulting

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company UAE

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company UAE

United Bird & Bat Control® offers expert bird elimination consulting and servicing to most international cities.

United Bird & Bat Control® has a full time international attorney on staff who can handle all logistical situations including work permits, licensing and security matters.

United Bird & Bat Control® consultants will write a detailed plan of action for your project. Included in this scope of service will be detailed step by step procedures which will allow your own hired staff to use and install bird elimination products. Our consultants can also be contracted to supervise your bird installation or bat exclusion projects.

Dupont Puerto Rico

Dupont Puerto Rico

Presidential Flight Hangar Abu Dhabi, UAE

Presidential Flight Hangar Abu Dhabi, UAE

It must be noted in countries with extreme outbreak of H5N1 (Avian Bird Virus) that United Bird & Bat Control® does not recommend your staff proceed with any bird elimination or waste cleanup until a full report is made by our consultant.

United Bird & Bat Control offers its services to most countries quickly and economically to fit your budget.

For More Information, Call 480-778-1553