Pigeon Control & Bird Control Tempe AZ

For over 15 years, United Bird & Bat Control has been offering permanent pigeon and bird elimination services to Tempe and surrounding areas. Our bird elimination products can eliminate just any bird including pigeons, sparrows, grackles, seagulls, swallows, and turkey vultures.

Bird Control NettingBird control and removal should only be attempted by people who understand bird behavior. We have the skills, knowledge, and expertise to get rid of any bird or pigeon infestation.

We offer the best quality products such as netting (all sizes and colors to choose from), Spikes (stainless steel & plastic), Electric Tracking (hardware & solar chargers), Post and Wire, and Coil Wire.

Birds are one of the dirtiest animals in North America, Birds and their dropping can carry over 60 different disease with the most common being the Bird Flu. Some other health hazards that birds carry are lice and mites.

Although birds may sing a pretty song, they sing a different tune when it comes to the extensive damage they are capable of if a situation goes unattended. Every year birds are responsible for millions of dollars of damage to motor vehicles, structures, machinery, ventilation systems, warehoused products, aircraft, and more.

If you want to get rid of your bird problem, we offer the best quality products such as netting (all sizes and colors to choose from), Spikes (stainless steel & plastic), Electric Tracking (hardware & solar chargers), Post and Wire, and Coil Wire.

Our services are available to homeowners and businesses, and all work comes with a complete written warranty for up to 10 years.

  • Residential Bird & Pigeon Control
  • Commercial Bird & Pigeon Control
  • City/State Bird & Pigeon Control
  • Live Pigeon & Sparrow Trapping
  • Architectural Plan Review
  • Bird Dropping Removal
  • Bird Problem Consultations
  • Bird Netting/Spikes/Coils

Pigeon Control and Pigeon Removal in Tempe AZ

Pigeon control in Tempe Do you have uninvited pigeons roosting on your roof, leaving heaps of disease filled dropping everywhere? United Bird & Bat Control can help.

Once pigeons have taken up residency, they won’t leave on their own. We have the experience with this problem with commercial buildings, as well as pigeons that have chosen to invade individual homes in attics.

Besides being noisy and dirty, pigeon droppings can also do major damage to property. They are also known to carry over 5 different diseases, such as Chlamydiosis, Salmonella, Encephalitis, Trichomaniasis, Canididasis, and more.

Whether you’re having a problem with pigeons or another type of bird, we have the solution and can help you. Give us a call today and we can help you decide which bird control product would be best for your situation.