Pigeon Control & Bird Control Chandler AZ

For over 15 years, United Bird & Bat Control has been providing bird control and bat elimination services. If you are having issues with any bird including pigeons, sparrows, grackles, seagulls, swallows, or turkey vultures, give us a call for a free estimate.

Bird Control NettingAlthough birds are not always a nuisance to all homes and businesses, once they begin nesting in unwanted areas, they can start to become a serious problem. Not only is the nesting unwanted, they can bring other unwanted pests like fleas and bed bugs.

Many people are unaware that bird droppings can also spread diseases such as Chlamydiosis, Salmonella, Encephalitis, and more. Bird droppings also contain uric acid, which can damage many properties and lead to roof leaks.

If you are having a bird issue at your home or business, call United Bird & Bat Control today for a free estimate. We offer the best quality bird elimination products such as netting (all sizes and colors to choose from), Spikes (stainless steel & plastic), Electric Tracking (hardware & solar chargers), Post and Wire, and Coil Wire.

Our services are available to any homeowner and business, and all work comes with a complete written warranty for up to 10 years. We can help with:

  • Residential Bird & Pigeon Control
  • Commercial Bird & Pigeon Control
  • City/State Bird & Pigeon Control
  • Live Pigeon & Sparrow Trapping
  • Architectural Plan Review
  • Bird Dropping Removal
  • Bird Problem Consultations
  • Bird Netting/Spikes/Coils

Pigeon Control and Pigeon Removal in Chandler AZ

Pigeon control in Chandler Pigeons are a serious problem in Arizona, including Chandler. Pigeons are special and require experts that have the tools, knowledge, and experience to deal with this type of bird.

Due to pigeons having territorial tendencies, they are often much more difficult to get rid of than other types of birds. Our first goal is to eliminate the pigeons from your property, then install bird control products that will make your environment unsuitable for any future pigeons.

Pigeons do present a significant health risk because they are capable of transmitting an amazing variety of diseases from Histoplasmosis to West Nile Virus. Pigeons are also very social and welcome new birds. A pigeon issue should be dealt with as soon as they arrive. The longer they are in one territory, the more determined and possessive they become.

Whether you’re having a problem with pigeons or another type of bird, we have the solution and can help you. Give us a call today and we can help you decide which bird control product would be best for your situation.